
Sports Flyers


Sports Flyers

The rush. The adrenaline. We get it. It’s addictive. Keep defying gravity and break your limits. With a personal coach to push you through your customised training and flight progression plan.


Break limits. Go to the next level.

Belly Fly Position

The belly-flying neutral body position is the first position you’ll learn as your introduction into the world of body flight. The objective is to be able to safely and successfully demonstrate a neutral belly fly position, while staying in the center of tunnel.

Back Fly Position

This position is key for a safe free flight progression. Ensuring that ample time is provided to master this skill will ultimately set a solid foundation for your success.

Sit Fly Position

Sit fly is the first skill to learning the "Head up" flying orientation. This is a major step to learning all other flight moves.

Head Down Position

Flying head down is an orientation that will not only require a completely new skill set, but also relies on all of the skills you have learned leading up to it.


You’re hooked and you want more. Go for value, benefits and privileges reserved only for our tribe.

Membership Rate
No. of skydives included
*% Savings Over Rack Rate
Annual Membership
$399 (valid for 1 year)
Levelling Up Benefits
How to?
15% Discount on Merchandise
Complimentary skydives on Birthday Month**
Top-up Rate for every 20 skydives
Sign-up for annual membership
Accumulated purchase of 320 skydives (8 hours)
Accumulated purchase of 480 skydives (12 hours)

Annual Membership

Includes 10 Skydives

Sign-up with an annual fee of just $399 to enjoy the benefits and privileges reserved only for our members.

First time sign-ups will automatically be enrolled into our Bronze membership tier.




Gold Membership

160 Skydives

Sign up for our membership and be eligible to upgrade straight to our Gold tier to enjoy gold member benefits at an attractive rate.




Platinum Membership

320 Skydives

Sign up for our membership and be eligible to upgrade straight to our Platinum tier to enjoy platinum member benefits at an attractive rate.





Flight progression for the new joiners. Level up with more benefits and value. Check with our coaches for more information.

Training Package
IBA Certification
No. of skydives included
Coaching included
Level 1 – Belly Fly
1 month
Level 1 and 2 – Belly and Back Fly
2 months
Level 1, 2 and 3 – Belly, Back and Sit Fly
3 months
Terms & Conditions:
  • Booking to be in blocks of 5 Skydives.
  • Limited to one (1) Training Package purchase of each level per member.
  • Pricing excludes annual membership. Please purchase the annual membership before purchasing any of these training packages.
  • Purchase to be made in-person over the counter.
  • Package details are subject to changes without prior notice.


Want more flexibility? We get you. Check with our coaches for more information.

Membership Tier Monthly Subscription No. of Skydives Skydive Validity Benefit
Bronze $700 20 Same as subscribed month Complimentary Members’ Flight Session* once a month
Gold $650 20
Platinum $600 20
Terms & Conditions:
  • Skydives are for off-peak timings only.
  • Skydives are strictly not transferable.
  • All skydives are to be used within the subscribed month and strictly not allowed to be carried forward to the next month.
  • Subscription validity starts from the 1st of the month and ends on the last day of the same month, regardless of the date of payment.
  • Subscription is not auto-renewed.
  • Purchase must be made in-person over the counter at level 1.
  • Subscription is valid for members with an existing annual membership only.
  • Mechanics are subject to changes without prior notice.
* Complimentary Members’ Flight Session
  • Session will be held on the 4th Sat of each month at 11am.
  • Session will only proceed if there are 10 members attending. If there is less than 10 members, the session will be cancelled without any replacement of session. Sessions will be conducted in groups of 10 members. Additional sessions will be conducted if there are enough members attending.
  • Member will be entitled to attend the Complimentary Members’ Flight Session in the same subscription month only.
  • Sign up for the session at our level 1 counter.

Panduan Lengkap Bermain Slot Online Indonesia: Mudah Menang dan Cara Daftar di Slot88

P permainan slot online semakin populer di kalangan penjudi, memberikan pemain peluang menarik untuk meraih kemenangan besar. Dengan banyaknya platform yang menawarkan berbagai jenis permainan slot, penting untuk memilih situs yang tidak hanya terpercaya tetapi juga memiliki potensi kemenangan yang tinggi. Dalam panduan ini, kita akan membahas semua yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang permainan slot online, termasuk strategi menang, cara melakukan deposit dan penarikan, serta proses pendaftaran yang sederhana. Mari kita mulai!

Mengapa Memilih Situs Slot Online Resmi?

  1. Beragam Pilihan Permainan
    Salah satu keuntungan utama dari legobet situs slot terpercaya yang baik adalah keberagaman permainan yang ditawarkan. Anda bisa menemukan berbagai jenis permainan dari penyedia terkenal. Dari mesin slot klasik yang sederhana hingga slot video modern dengan grafis menarik dan tema yang bervariasi, pilihan yang ada akan membuat pengalaman bermain Anda semakin seru.
  2. Tingkat RTP (Return to Player) yang Tinggi
    Salah satu daya tarik utama dari slot online adalah potensi RTP yang tinggi. Situs yang berkualitas akan menampilkan permainan dengan tingkat pengembalian yang lebih baik, sehingga meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk menang dalam jangka panjang. Carilah situs yang secara rutin memperbarui koleksinya dengan permainan-permainan yang memiliki RTP terbaik.
  3. Keamanan dan Perlindungan
    Keamanan adalah hal yang sangat penting dalam bermain judi online. Situs terpercaya biasanya memiliki lisensi dan sertifikasi keamanan yang valid, seperti dari PAGCOR Filipina. Dengan ini, Anda dapat merasa aman saat bermain, karena informasi pribadi dan dana Anda terlindungi dengan baik.
  4. Pilihan Permainan yang Komprehensif
    Selain slot, situs terbaik juga menawarkan beragam opsi permainan lainnya, seperti taruhan olahraga, permainan kasino, poker, togel, permainan tembak ikan, dan taruhan e-sports. Keberagaman ini akan menjaga pengalaman bermain Anda tetap segar dan menarik.

Tips dan Trik untuk Menang di Slot Online Terpercaya

Memenangkan game slot online bukan hanya soal keberuntungan; menggunakan strategi yang tepat dapat meningkatkan pengalaman bermain Anda dan berpotensi mendatangkan kemenangan lebih sering. Berikut adalah beberapa tips dan trik yang efektif untuk dipertimbangkan:

  1. Mulai dengan Taruhan Kecil
    Sebaiknya, Anda memulai perjalanan bermain dengan taruhan kecil. Dengan pendekatan ini, Anda dapat meminimalkan kerugian yang tidak terduga sambil belajar memahami mekanisme permainan. Setelah Anda merasa nyaman, secara bertahap tingkatkan ukuran taruhan untuk memaksimalkan potensi kemenangan.
  2. Siapkan Pilihan Permainan Cadangan
    Selalu siapkan beberapa alternatif permainan slot sebagai cadangan. Jika permainan yang Anda pilih tidak memberikan hasil yang baik, Anda bisa berpindah ke permainan lain. Namun, saat mulai permainan baru, sebaiknya jangan menggunakan kemenangan dari permainan sebelumnya sebagai modal, kecuali Anda sudah melebihi target kemenangan yang Anda tetapkan.
  3. Manfaatkan Fasilitas Free Spins dengan Bijak
    Free spins atau putaran gratis dapat meningkatkan permainan Anda dengan mendatangkan banyak keuntungan. Namun, penting untuk mengelola saldo Anda dengan hati-hati saat menggunakan free spins. Banyak pemain pemula yang seringkali membeli bonus free spins tanpa melakukan perhitungan yang matang, yang dapat berujung pada kerugian.
  4. Tetapkan Batasan untuk Kemenangan dan Kerugian
    Disiplin dalam bermain sangatlah penting. Tetapkan target untuk kemenangan dan batas maksimal kerugian sebelum Anda mulai bermain. Ketika salah satu dari dua kondisi tersebut tercapai, segeralah berhenti. Ini membantu mencegah keputusan emosional yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian lebih lanjut.
  5. Pantau Saldo Anda
    Selalu perhatikan saldo akun Anda. Memantau ini akan membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang tepat mengenai jumlah taruhan dan apakah Anda harus melanjutkan bermain atau beristirahat sejenak.

Cara Melakukan Deposit dan Penarikan Dana di Situs Slot Online Indonesia

Mengelola dana Anda adalah kunci untuk pengalaman bermain yang lancar. Berikut adalah panduan sederhana tentang cara deposit slot dan penarikan uang di situs slot online pilihan Anda.

Proses Deposit

  1. Login ke Akun Anda
    Mulailah dengan masuk ke akun permainan Anda dan arahkan ke bagian deposit.
  2. Pilih Metode Pembayaran
    Pilih dari berbagai metode pembayaran yang tersedia, termasuk transfer bank atau dompet elektronik (e-wallet). Pastikan untuk memilih metode yang paling Anda sukai dan menawarkan waktu pemrosesan tercepat.
  3. Masukkan Jumlah Deposit
    Masukkan jumlah yang ingin Anda depositkan, dan pastikan sesuai dengan ketentuan minimum yang ditetapkan oleh situs.
  4. Konfirmasi Transaksi
    Periksa kembali semua informasi yang Anda masukkan sebelum mengirimkan deposit. Ini penting untuk mencegah kesalahan yang dapat menghambat pengalaman bermain Anda.
  5. Nikmati Permainan Anda
    Setelah dana Anda berhasil didepositkan, Anda siap untuk terjun ke permainan slot favorit Anda!

Proses Penarikan

  1. Akses Bagian Penarikan
    Untuk menarik kemenangan maxwin slot online Anda, pergi ke opsi penarikan yang ada di menu yang sama saat Anda melakukan deposit.
  2. Masukkan Jumlah Penarikan
    Tentukan jumlah yang ingin Anda tarik, dan perhatikan batas minimum atau maksimum yang ditetapkan oleh situs.
  3. Berikan Verifikasi
    Masukkan kata sandi akun Anda untuk memverifikasi identitas Anda. Langkah ini sangat penting untuk memastikan dana Anda aman dan hanya Anda yang bisa mengaksesnya.
  4. Tunggu Proses
    Setelah mengirimkan permintaan penarikan, bersabarlah saat situs memproses transaksi Anda. Durasi proses bisa bervariasi tergantung pada metode pembayaran yang Anda pilih.
  5. Jaga Keamanan Akun Anda
    Selalu jaga kerahasiaan informasi akun Anda agar tetap aman dari akses yang tidak berwenang.

Langkah-Langkah Pendaftaran di Situs Judi Bola Terpercaya Indonesia yang Mudah

Jika Anda sudah siap untuk bergabung dan mulai meraih kemenangan, mendaftar akun judi bola online sangatlah mudah. Ikuti langkah-langkah sederhana di bawah ini untuk memulai:

  1. Temukan Tombol Pendaftaran
    Kunjungi halaman utama situs dan klik tombol “Daftar” yang terlihat jelas di bagian atas.
  2. Isi Formulir Pendaftaran
    Lengkapi kolom-kolom yang diminta dalam formulir pendaftaran dengan informasi yang akurat. Ini biasanya mencakup nama, alamat email, dan nama pengguna yang diinginkan.
  3. Selesaikan Captcha
    Untuk memverifikasi bahwa Anda bukan bot, lengkapi kode captcha yang muncul di layar.
  4. Setujui Syarat dan Ketentuan
    Bacalah syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku, dan jika Anda setuju, centang kotak untuk mengonfirmasi penerimaan Anda.
  5. Kirim Pendaftaran Anda
    Klik tombol “Daftar” untuk menyelesaikan proses pendaftaran. Anda mungkin akan menerima email konfirmasi untuk mengaktifkan akun Anda.
  6. Mulai Bermain!
    Setelah akun Anda aktif, Anda dapat masuk dan menjelajahi berbagai permainan slot yang tersedia untuk Anda nikmati.


We get it. You want to grow the tribe and share your joy of flight.

Get more joy and $100 flight credits whenever you refer a new member to us.
Terms & Conditions:
  • Referrers must be members with existing or non-expired membership.
  • New members must not have any previous records of membership with us.
  • New members must purchase the annual membership with the referrer present at our level 1 counter before referrers can receive the credits.
  • Credits are valid for use on regular-priced flight top ups only; not valid with any discounts, promotions and privileges.


Train to learn new genres, perfect your techniques and body positions at our competition standard wind tunnel.

No. of skydives
Prices start from
5 Skydives
7.5 mins
1 day
10 Skydives
15 mins
1 day
20 Skydives
30 mins
1 month
Additional $100 surcharge for timings below:
- Sat & Sun: 1200hrs to 1730hrs
- Public Holidays (including 26 Dec): 1000hrs to 2130hrs

5 skydives

From $380


10 skydives

From $680


20 skydives

From $1,270



Highly skilled. Fully trained. Our coaches are more than qualified to push you to your flight goals.

Each coaching session includes:

Personalised analysis and briefing session

Individual flight time with your coach

Debrief with flight review


Coach Senior Coach Chief Coach
15 mins $50 $68.75 $87.50
30 mins $100 $137.50 $175
60 mins $200 $275 $350

Terms and Conditions


Who Can Fly/Eligibility

Flyers must be 7 years of age and above; 120kg maximum if under 1.8m tall, 140kg maximum if over 1.8m tall; not pregnant; have no hard casts; are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs; have no history of shoulder dislocation, back or neck injury.

Waiver Form

  • All flyers must complete the Waiver Form, a legal agreement between the flyer and iFly Singapore. This agreement ensures all flyers understand the nature of the sport of bodyflight and the risks involved.
  • All information retained on the Waiver Form is used for this purpose alone and will not be supplied to any other party for any other purpose, except where authorized by the customer.
  • Flyers below 18 years of age must be accompanied by parent/guardian or bring along a copy of the identity card/passport and waiver form signed by parent/guardian.


The flyer hereby irrevocably releases from liability, and waives the Participant’s rights against, the Company, its officers, employees and agents (collectively, the “Indemnifieds”) in respect of any personal injury, death or disability, or any damage, loss or theft of any personal property which the Participant may incur or suffer by reason of the participation by the Participant in the activities offered by the Company (including but not limited to flying in the vertical wind tunnel), or from the provision of such activities by the Company.


The flyer agrees to indemnify and keep the Indemnifieds fully and effectively indemnified from and against any and all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs, expenses or any other liability whatsoever which any of Indemnifieds may suffer or incur, or which may be brought or established against any of Indemnifieds by any person, arising in any way from any misrepresentation or inaccuracy in the information (including in this Form) provided by the flyer to the Company, or any non-compliance by the flyer of the terms and conditions stated in this Waiver Form and this document.

Pre-Flight Requirements

Flyers are required to bring along their Identity Card and/or passport for verification purposes.

Flyers are required to check in 1 hr prior to the flight time as all flyers need to attend professional training to ensure safety throughout flight experience.

  • Be attired in T-shirts, shorts, jeans or pants. Ladies are advised not to dress in skirts or dresses.
  • Wear closed-toe shoes with laces, preferably sneakers/track shoes.
  • Avoid wearing accessories like necklaces, earrings, bracelets, watches, etc.


Rescheduling & Cancellation

The Teaser Package, The Challenge Package, Trial training package and any packages offered to First-Timers/Return Flyers:

  • No rescheduling on the day of flight. Any rescheduling required before the day of flight shall have a charge of SGD $30 per flyer. (“Rescheduling Fee”).
  • Any no shows or rescheduling on the day of flight shall be subjected to a 100% cancellation fee. No show is also defined as being late for check-in.
  • There shall strictly be no refund for any flight cancellation, no show or late check in.
  • In the event that iFly Singapore exercises any discretion for refund for exceptional cases, there shall be an administrative fee of SGD $30 to be charged. This shall include situations such as but not limited to wrong booking, double booking, medical condition, etc.

Members, Pro Flyers and Coaching packages/bookings:

  • Any no shows or rescheduling on the day of flight shall be subjected to a 100% deduction of the blocked session. No show is also defined as being late for check-in.
  • There shall strictly be no refund for any flight cancellation, no show or late check in.
  • In the event that iFly Singapore exercises any discretion for refund for exceptional cases, there shall be an administrative fee of SGD $30 to be charged. This shall include situations such as but not limited to wrong booking, double booking, medical condition, etc.
  • Once bookings are made, in the event of any rescheduling or cancellation, blocked sessions will be deducted for changes as stated below.
    • Less than 7 working days notice before flight, deduct 20% of the blocked sessions.
    • Less than 4 working days notice before flight, deduct 50% of the blocked sessions.
    • Less than 2 working days notice before flight, deduct 100% of the blocked sessions.

Refund & Transfer of Package

iFly Singapore does not offer refunds for any reason.

Customers, excluding those who have purchased membership packages, are allowed to transfer their package to a friend/family member. However, this will be reviewed on a case-to-case basis at the sole discretion of iFly Singapore with an administrative fee.

iFly Singapore shall not be liable for any breach of its obligations or for the compensation or refund for loss, damage or delay resulting from an Event of Force Majeure. Such events which are outside iFly Singapore’s control, include, but are not restricted to, adverse weather conditions, fire, flood, explosions, accidents, traffic congestion, mechanical breakdown, obstruction of any public or private highway, acts of terrorism, vandalism, government act, riot, war, act of God or industrial dispute.

For more information, please call +65 65710000 or email info@iflysingapore.com


  • iFly Singapore reserves the right to cancel all flights and reschedule them to the next available slot.
  • iFly Singapore reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.


  • Voucher shall be used before the expiry date as stated on the voucher. There shall be no extension.
  • Voucher(s) must be presented on the day of the intended flight as without the voucher(s), customer will not be allowed to fly unless full payment is made.
  • Voucher is not redeemable for cash and will not be replaced of torn, stolen or lost.
  • Each voucher can only be used once. Photocopy of voucher is not accepted.
  • Voucher is not valid for use with any other promotions, discounts or vouchers, unless otherwise stated.
  • iFly Singapore’s Rescheduling and Cancellation policy applies.
  • iFly Singapore shall not be liable for any breach of its obligations or for the compensation or refund for loss, damage or delay resulting from an Event of Force Majeure. Such events which are outside iFly Singapore Singapore’s control, include, but are not restricted to, adverse weather conditions, fire, flood, explosions, accidents, traffic congestion, mechanical breakdown, obstruction of any public or private highway, acts of terrorism, vandalism, government act, riot, war, act of God or industrial dispute.


All prices are indicated at point of sale. iFly Singapore reserves the right to make changes without prior notice.


The Teaser & The Challenge Packages (including for locals)

  • Package is meant for ONE person.
  • Skydives must be completed in the same flight session.
  • iFly Singapore’s Rescheduling and Cancellation policy applies.

Trial Training Package

  • Valid for all timings including weekends, eve and day of Public Holidays.
  • Booking must be made in advance and is subject to availability.
  • Booking and purchase of package are to be made online.
  • Package is valid for ONE flyer only. No sharing of flights is allowed.
  • Strictly for new flyers who are Singapore Residents only. Not valid for existing members.
  • All 6 skydives must be utilised within ONE flight session.
  • Promotion is not valid for use with any other promotions, discounts, or vouchers.
  • iFly Singapore’s Rescheduling and Cancellation policy applies.

Pro Flyer Packages

  • Package is meant for one person.
  • Not available for first timer, flyer need to provide record / proof that he/she has flown in a wind tunnel before.
  • All skydives must be utilised within the validity period from date of purchase (5 Skydives – 1 day; 10 Skydives – 1 day; 20 Skydives – 1 month).
  • iFly Singapore’s Rescheduling and Cancellation policy applies.


  • Skydives must be completed in the same flight session.
  • iFly Singapore’s Rescheduling and Cancellation policy applies.

All Packages / Programmes / Events / Membership

  • iFly Singapore shall not be liable for cancellation of any packages / events / membership programmes due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • iFly Singapore reserves the right to substitute items / packages with products of equal purchased value without prior notice.

Terms of Use

Skyventure VWT Singapore Pte Ltd (referred to as “iFly Singapore”) has set up this website for the purpose of providing information about the services and products being offered. The purpose of these Terms of Use is to regulate the use of this website. These Terms of Use apply to all users of this website.
Before visiting or using our website, please read these Terms of Use. By visiting or using this website, you agree to be bound and abide by these Terms of Use.

Account Registration and Use

In order to access all functionalities of the Website, you may be required to register for an account with the Website. In the event that you register for an account with the Website, you agree to provide accurate, current and complete information about yourself as may be required by any registration forms on the Website (“Registration Information”).

If you register and/or set up an account on the Website, you will be solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your Registration Information, including your password. You must not authorize others to use your Registration Information. You must not sub-license, transfer, sell or assign your Registration Information and/or your rights and obligations under these Terms of Use to any third party without iFly Singapore’s prior written approval. Any attempt to do so will be null and void and shall be considered a material breach of these Terms of Use.

You are solely responsible for all usage or activity on your account including, but not limited to, use of the account by any person who uses your Registration Information, with or without authorization, or who has access to any computer on which your account resides or is accessible. By using such account, you accept all risks of unauthorized access to the Registration Information and any other information you provide to iFly Singapore.

If you have reason to believe that your account is no longer secure (for example, in the event of a loss, theft or unauthorized disclosure or use of your Registration Information), you must promptly change the affected Registration Information by using the appropriate update mechanism on the Website.

User Responsibilities

By accessing or using the Website, you agree to these Terms of Use, including the following terms and conditions:

  • You are responsible for any activity that occurs while visiting this website.
  • You must not abuse, harass, threaten or intimidate other users of the Website.
  • You may not use the services available through the Website for any illegal or unauthorized purpose.
  • You must not modify, adapt or hack the Website or modify another website so as to falsely imply that it is associated with the Website.
  • You must not create or submit unwanted email or message to any users of the Website (i.e. spam).
  • You must not transmit any bugs or viruses or any code of a destructive nature.
  • You are prohibited to download copyrighted material or download or make available any content or material that infringes iFly Singapore’s or a third party’s intellectual property right and/or for any unauthorized marketing advertising or marketing purpose.
  • You must not post or transmit through the website any false, misleading, unlawful, harmful, offensive, threatening, libellous, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable material of any kind, including, but not limited to, any material that encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil or criminal liability, or otherwise violate any Singapore Law or any other applicable international law.

All Site material is owned by iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving. There must be no reproduction of any of this material without the prior consent of iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving. Any use of this Site or any statement made by a third party or registrant is their opinion and does not represent the opinion of iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving.

As User, you are fully responsible for all your activities related to the use of the services under this website, violation of any provision of these Terms of Use may (in iFly Singapore’s absolute discretion of) result in the immediate termination of your access and use the Website without prior notice. We reserve the absolute right to prohibit your access and use of the Website at any time.

Disclaimers and Limitation of Liabilities

All the information on this website is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. iFly Singapore makes no representations and warranties of any kind (expressed or implied) in respect of the content, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability or availability of information or materials contained in or provided through this website (“Contents”) and disclaims all responsibility and liability therefor. Any action you take upon the information on our website is strictly at your sole discretion and risk.

iFly Singapore, officers, employees, agents, partners, and licensors shall under no circumstances be liable for any loss, any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, foreseeable or exemplary damages whether or not the same arises as a result of negligence, breach of these Terms of Use, and infringement of third-party rights caused by the use of or reliance on the Contents or any service provided hereby.

Note on third party websites. Our website may contain links to third party websites, which are not controlled by us. We are not responsible for any kind of damages caused by the use of websites to which our website links. If you are going to use third party websites, we strongly suggest you review such third party’s terms of use before using and/or accessing certain sections of such websites.

Intellectual Property Rights

All information published and/or contained on this Website is protected by laws governing intellectual property rights (the “IPR”) (including without limitation copyright, trademarks and/or service marks whether registered or unregistered). The IPR is owned by us, companies related to us and/or third parties (as the case may be). No material contained on this Website may be modified, copied, transmitted, distributed and/or reproduced without our prior written consent.

iFly Singapore does not grant any express or implied right to you in respect of any of its trademarks, copyright or other proprietary information. Nothing contained on this Website should be construed as granting any license and/or right to use any of the information and/or material contained on this Website.

Services Terms and Conditions

Without prejudice to these Terms of Use, any service and/or activity available on this website shall be subject to the respective terms and conditions. In case of a conflict between these Terms of Use and specific terms and conditions of any service and/or activity available on this website, such terms and conditions shall prevail.

Changes to these Terms of Use

These Terms of Use may be amended from time to time. Changes will be posted on this page and your use of this website, including browsing, downloading, running application program, submitting information to, redistributing, reproducing, and linking to this website, after such changes have been posted will constitute your agreement to the modified Terms of Use and all of the changes.


In case any provision of these Terms of Use is deemed invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.


To the extent that there are any inconsistencies between English and Simplified Chinese versions of this Terms of Use, the English version shall prevail.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore. You hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts in connection with any disputes arising out of these Terms of Use.

Terms and Conditions


Who Can Fly/Eligibility

Flyers must be 7 years of age and above; 120kg maximum if under 1.8m tall, 140kg maximum if over 1.8m tall; not pregnant; have no hard casts; are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs; have no history of shoulder dislocation, back or neck injury.

Waiver Form

  • All flyers must complete the Waiver Form, a legal agreement between the flyer and iFly Singapore. This agreement ensures all flyers understand the nature of the sport of body flight and the risks involved.
  • All information retained on the Waiver Form is used for this purpose alone and will not be supplied to any other party for any other purpose, except where authorized by the customer.
  • Flyers below 18 years of age must be accompanied by parent/guardian or bring along a copy of the identity card/passport and waiver form signed by parent/guardian.


The flyer hereby irrevocably releases from liability, and waives the Participant’s rights against, the Company, its officers, employees and agents (collectively, the “Indemnified”) in respect of any personal injury, death or disability, or any damage, loss or theft of any personal property which the Participant may incur or suffer by reason of the participation by the Participant in the activities offered by the Company (including but not limited to flying in the vertical wind tunnel), or from the provision of such activities by the Company.


The flyer agrees to indemnify and keep the Indemnified fully and effectively indemnified from and against any and all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs, expenses or any other liability whatsoever which any of Indemnified may suffer or incur, or which may be brought or established against any of Indemnified by any person, arising in any way from any misrepresentation or inaccuracy in the information (including in this Form) provided by the flyer to the Company, or any non-compliance by the flyer of the terms and conditions stated in this Waiver Form and this document.

Pre-Flight Requirements

Flyers are required to bring along their Identity Card and/or passport for verification purposes.

Flyers are required to check in 1 hour prior to the flight time as all flyers need to attend professional training to ensure safety throughout flight experience.

  • Be attired in T-shirts, shorts, jeans or pants. Ladies are advised not to dress in skirts or dresses.
  • Wear closed-toe shoes with laces, preferably sneakers/track shoes.
  • Avoid wearing accessories like necklaces, earrings, bracelets, watches, etc.


Rescheduling & Cancellation

The Teaser Package, The Challenge Package, Trial Training Package, and any packages offered to First-Timers/Return Flyers:

  • No rescheduling on the day of flight. Any rescheduling required before the day of flight shall have a charge of SGD $30 per flyer. (“Rescheduling Fee”).
  • Any no shows or rescheduling on the day of flight shall be subjected to a 100% cancellation fee. No show is also defined as being late for check-in.
  • There shall strictly be no refund for any flight cancellation, no show or late check in.
  • In the event that iFly Singapore exercises any discretion for refund for exceptional cases, there shall be an administrative fee of SGD $30 to be charged. This shall include situations such as but not limited to wrong booking, double booking, medical condition, etc.

Members, Pro Flyers and Coaching packages/bookings:

  • Any no shows or rescheduling on the day of flight shall be subjected to a 100% deduction of the blocked session. No show is also defined as being late for check-in.
  • There shall strictly be no refund for any flight cancellation, no show or late check in.
  • In the event that iFly Singapore exercises any discretion for refund for exceptional cases, there shall be an administrative fee of SGD $30 to be charged. This shall include situations such as but not limited to wrong booking, double booking, medical condition, etc.
  • Once bookings are made, in the event of any rescheduling or cancellation, blocked sessions will be deducted for changes as stated below.
    • Less than 7 working days notice before flight, deduct 20% of the blocked sessions.
    • Less than 4 working days notice before flight, deduct 50% of the blocked sessions.
    • Less than 2 working days notice before flight, deduct 100% of the blocked sessions.

Refund & Transfer of Package

iFly Singapore does not offer refunds for any reason.

Customers, excluding those who have purchased membership packages, are allowed to transfer their package to a friend/family member. However, this will be reviewed on a case-to-case basis at the sole discretion of iFly Singapore with an administrative fee.

iFly Singapore shall not be liable for any breach of its obligations or for the compensation or refund for loss, damage or delay resulting from an Event of Force Majeure. Such events which are outside iFly Singapore’s control, include, but are not restricted to, adverse weather conditions, fire, flood, explosions, accidents, traffic congestion, mechanical breakdown, obstruction of any public or private highway, acts of terrorism, vandalism, government act, riot, war, act of God or industrial dispute.

For more information, please call +65 6571 0000 or email info@iflysingapore.com.


  • iFly Singapore reserves the right to cancel all flights and reschedule them to the next available slot.
  • iFly Singapore reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.


  • Voucher shall be used before the expiry date as stated on the voucher. There shall not be any extension.
  • Voucher(s) must be presented on the day of the intended flight as without the voucher(s), customer will not be allowed to fly unless full payment is made.
  • Voucher is not redeemable for cash and will not be replaced of torn, stolen or lost.
  • Each voucher can only be used once. Photocopy of voucher is not accepted.
  • Voucher is not valid for use with any other promotions, discounts or vouchers, unless otherwise stated.
  • iFly Singapore’s Rescheduling and Cancellation policy applies.
  • iFly Singapore shall not be liable for any breach of its obligations or for the compensation or refund for loss, damage or delay resulting from an Event of Force Majeure. Such events which are outside iFly Singapore’s control, include, but are not restricted to, adverse weather conditions, fire, flood, explosions, accidents, traffic congestion, mechanical breakdown, obstruction of any public or private highway, acts of terrorism, vandalism, government act, riot, war, act of God or industrial dispute.


All prices are indicated at our point of sale. iFly Singapore reserves the right to make changes without prior notice.


The Teaser & The Challenge Packages (including for locals)

  • Package is meant for ONE person.
  • Skydives must be completed in the same flight session.
  • iFly Singapore’s Rescheduling and Cancellation policy applies.

Trial Training Package

  • Valid for all timings including weekends, eve and day of Public Holidays.
  • Booking must be made in advance and is subject to availability.
  • Booking and purchase of package are to be made online.
  • Package is valid for ONE flyer only. No sharing of flights is allowed.
  • Strictly for new flyers who are Singapore Residents only. Not valid for existing members.
  • All 6 skydives must be utilised within ONE flight session.
  • Promotion is not valid for use with any other promotions, discounts or vouchers.
  • iFly Singapore’s Rescheduling and Cancellation policy applies.

Pro Flyer Packages

  • Package is meant for one person.
  • Not available for first timer, flyer need to provide record / proof that he/she has flown in a wind tunnel before.
  • All skydives must be utilised within the validity period from date of purchase (5 Skydives – 1 day; 10 Skydives – 1 day; 20 Skydives – 1 month).
  • iFly Singapore’s Rescheduling and Cancellation policy applies.


  • Skydives must be completed in the same flight session.
  • iFly Singapore’s Rescheduling and Cancellation policy applies.

All Packages/Programmes/Events/Membership

  • iFly Singapore shall not be liable for cancellation of any packages/events/membership programmes due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • iFly Singapore reserves the right to substitute items/packages with products of equal purchased value without prior notice.

iFly Singapore Privacy Policy

Purpose and Scope

  1. Skyventure VWT Singapore Pte Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) is committed to protecting your privacy and your personal data, so we have instituted policies intended to ensure that your information is handled securely and in compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.
  2. This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect and use your personal data, and your rights in relation to this Data.
  3. “Personal Data” refers to any information relating to you that we obtain from you or about you from other parties and is interpreted in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.
  4. This Privacy Policy is part of the Terms and Conditions governing our communications platforms and should be read in conjunction together. This Privacy Policy applies to activities we engage in on our websites, mobile phone applications, and activities that are offline or unrelated to our websites (individually “Site’ or collectively “Sites”), as applicable.
  5. All Site material is owned by iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving. There must be no reproduction of any of this material without the prior consent of iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving. Any use of this Site or any statement made by a third party or registrant is their opinion and does not represent the opinion of iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving.

This Privacy Policy

  1. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By providing us with your personal data (including by registering for membership with any of our customer or sales and marketing programs owned, managed and/or controlled by us, registering to attend any of our events, participating in our interactive services or in any way communicating with us), you are accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy and consenting to our collection, retention, transfer and use of your personal data as specified in this Privacy Policy. By clicking the “I accept” box/button relating to direct marketing on our website, you further consent to our use and transfer of your data for direct marketing purposes as specified in this Privacy Policy.
  2. You must not use our Site or any services available via it/them if you do not accept this Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions.
  3. By using our Site, you authorize us and grant your express consent to us to carry out the following:
  4. to collect, use, store, process, transfer and/or disclose and to treat automatically or mechanically any data (the “Data”) provided by you (including without limitation, Data considered personal, private, sensitive or confidential) in connection with the operation of the website and/or our business;
  5. to process, transfer or to disclose any or all the Data, within or outside Singapore, as may be required for any of the purposes listed in the Policy and as authorized under Singapore laws, to our group companies, governmental, legal, or regulatory authorities, legal and financial advisers, third party service providers engaged to assist with provision of customer and related services.

Personal Data We Collect

iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving may collect certain types of Data for different reasons that may include (collectively “Personal Data”):

  1. Identity Data includes name, username or similar identifier, date of birth and gender.
  2. Contact Data includes address, email address and telephone numbers.
  3. Image Data, which includes CCTV security footage and photo and video content captured using ride camera equipment and shared to you as a souvenir of your time at iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving.
  4. Transaction Data includes data necessary for us to process payments and implement fraud prevention measures, including relevant billing details.
  5. Technical Data includes internet protocol (IP) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access this website.
  6. Profile Data includes your username and password for platforms maintained by iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving (where you have access to any), purchases or orders made by you, your interests, preferences, feedback and survey responses.
  7. Marketing and Communications Data includes your preferences in receiving marketing from us and our third parties and your communication preferences.
  8. Compliance Data includes personal data we may have collected on you for the purposes of complying with our legal obligations.
  9. Recruitment Data such as previous employers, references by previous employers or colleagues, type of job held at other companies, previous or expected salaries, skills and qualifications obtained through education or experience. This personal data will help us make a decision on your suitability for employment and in case your application is for future vacancies the aforesaid personal data will help us to decide which department you may be most suitable in.

How We Use, Process and Store The Data

  1. iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving will use your Personal Data for the following purposes (“Permitted Purposes”) to administer our business and provide high quality services to our customers:
  2. Your Personal Data and any other information you or your business provide to iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving via our Sites is required:
    • where iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving needs to perform the contract we are about to enter into or have entered into with you, including but not limited to the contract of sale of tickets;
    • to provide ancillary services including but not limited to insurance, customer relationship management, promotional events, and product feedback;
    • to manage and administer yours or your organization’s business relationship with iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving, including processing orders (such as tickets or souvenir photos/videos), payments, accounting, billing, and collection or support services;
    • for compliance with our legal or tax obligations (such as anti-money laundering, regulatory or tax reporting);
    • to analyze and improve iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving services and communications to you;
    • to process suggestions, recommendations, or complaints in relation to iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving services and products;
    • for marketing and promotion purposes (subject to your consent), market research and analysis, and quality assurance;
    • to improve and personalize the online guest experience for you and others;
    • to communicate with you through the channels you have approved to notify you of disruptions or changes and to keep you up to date on the latest developments, announcements, promotions, and other information about our services, products and technologies, as well as events iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving may organize;
    • to comply with court orders and exercise and/or defend iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving legal rights;
    • to review your application for an employment position with iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving.
  3. In general, iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving receives your Personal Data where you provide this on a voluntary basis, and there will typically be no detrimental effect for you if you wish not to provide this or otherwise withhold your consent for it to be processed. However, there may be certain cases where iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving will still be allowed or required to use and share the data we collect, for example where iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving needs to carry out legally required compliance screening or require such data to process your instructions or orders, or otherwise to provide you with our online services or communications. Where it is not possible for iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving to provide you with what you request without the relevant Personal Data, we will let you know accordingly.

How We Share Personal Data

  1. We will always get your express opt-in consent before we share your Personal Data with any company outside iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving for marketing purposes.
  2. In processing your order, iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving will only pass on personal information about you to third parties such as is necessary to enable iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving to process the payment for your order and to fulfil your order, restricted to those third parties such as the attraction for which you have bought a ticket or the services providers involved in the fulfilment of your order, such as our photo and video service provider.
  3. iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving may disclose your Personal Data where iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving may instruct service providers within or outside iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving, domestically or abroad, e.g. IT services or server providers, to process Personal Data for the Permitted Purposes on iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving behalf and in accordance with our instructions only. In certain cases, this may also mean that your Personal Data may be transferred to locations outside Singapore. iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving will retain control over and will remain fully responsible for your Personal Data and will use appropriate safeguards as required by the applicable laws to ensure the integrity and security of your Personal Data when engaging such service providers;
  4. iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving will otherwise only disclose your Personal Data when you direct iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving or give iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving permission to do so or otherwise as required by law, such as for meeting legal and tax obligations, or requested by any governmental or law enforcement agency.
  5. iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving may disclose information about you if you breach or if we suspect you may have breached this Privacy Policy or the Terms and Conditions.
  6. In general, the third-party providers used by iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving will only collect, use and disclose your information to the extent necessary to allow them to perform certain services they provide to iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving.
  7. iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving does not store your credit card information for payment, which is handled by third-party services. Certain third-party services, such as payment gateways and other transaction or payment processors are required to abide by security standards imposed on them, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), which is a set of security standards designed to ensure that all payment processors that accept, process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. All direct payment gateways iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving utilizes adhere to PCI-DSS, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover, to safeguard card data handling.
  8. Once you leave our Site or are redirected to a third-party website or application, you are no longer governed by this Privacy Policy or iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving Website’s Terms of Service.

Transfers of Personal Data abroad

  1. iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving is active across the world – this means that iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving may transfer your Personal Data abroad if required to do so for the Permitted Purposes.
  2. When making such transfers, iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving will ensure an adequate level of protection will be met and that that they are subject to appropriate safeguards, requirements, and standards in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 or other applicable data privacy regulations or guidelines for transferring Personal Data abroad. If you wish to obtain further information on the appropriate safeguards which iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving is adhering to please contact info@iflysingapore.com

Opt Out

If you wish to opt-out of receiving marketing or promotional material from iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving or decline/withdraw consent to how we process your Personal Data, you may exercise your right at any time by following the instructions provided in our email marketing campaigns to unsubscribe or contact us.


  1. iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving has put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your Personal Data from being accidentally or unlawfully destroyed, lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered or disclosed. In addition, iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving limits access to your Personal Data to those employees, agents, contractors, and other third parties on a need-to-know basis only. They will only process your Personal Data on iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving instructions, and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
  2. iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving has put in place procedures to deal with any suspected Personal Data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach in accordance with the applicable legal procedures.
  3. All payment processing and transactions are done via a secure server and data transmissions are protected using SSL encryption.
  4. Whilst iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving strives to protect your personal information, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure and therefore we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you send to us. You provide us with information via our Site or Sites at your own risk.
  5. iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving does not store your payment card information which is handled entirely by our payment processors.

Personal Data we receive from you about other people

Where you provide iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving with the Personal Data of other people, such as your employees, directors of your companies, or other persons you may have personal or professional dealings with, you must ensure that you are entitled to disclose that Personal Data to iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving and you acknowledge to iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving that you have obtained any consents from those people and any authorizations as may be required under any applicable laws to provide iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving with such Personal Data, without iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving being required to take any further steps to collect, use, and disclose that Personal Data in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

Data Retention

  1. iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving retains your Personal Data only for as long as reasonably necessary and legally permitted for the Permitted Purposes. Where iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving has relied on your consent to keep your Personal Data, iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving retains your Personal Data only as long as you consent to its use.
  2. Importantly, iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving will keep your Personal Data as necessary for the purposes of defending or making legal claims until the end of the period during which iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving may retain the Personal Data and otherwise until the settlement of any such claims, as relevant.
  3. For further information on how long we may keep your Personal Data for, please get in touch at info@iflysingapore.com.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated in October 2023. iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving has the right to update, revise, vary and amend the contents of this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect any changes in the way in which iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving processes your personal data or to reflect legal requirements as these may change.

Information About Our Use Of Cookies

  1. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your device (be it a computer, tablet, mobile phone or any other device that can access the internet) containing information about your preferences and to help improve the functionality of our website. The information in the cookie can be used to track your internet usage.
  2. The iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving to improve user experience when you browse our website, also allows iFly Singapore Indoor Skydiving to improve our site and provide the business with marketing information about the site’s visitors. This page explains what cookies are, what they are used for and how you can adjust your settings to manage cookies.
  3. You have the choice to block all or some cookies on your browser or the hard drive of your computer by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site.

Prevailing Language

If any documentation provided to you is translated and any conflict arises between the English version and any translation hereof, the English version shall prevail.

Contact Us

If you have any questions relating to this Privacy Policy or how we deal with your personal information please contact us via our website or by sending an e-mail to info@iflysingapore.com.